
All Roads are Valid

Pernah suatu waktu dengar ucapan seseorang yang kurang lebih begini, “Kita nggak malu apa sama Allah mintanya uang melulu?” And…

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3rd March

It is okay to say, “Oh, we are talking in different languages!” and then wave your hand and walk away.…

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Unconditional Love 2.0

Just wanna share a gentle reminder that human beings aren’t meant to be able to perform unconditional love, except for…

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Election Day 2024

Just vote for presidential election. This year election is very peaceful, at least to me. Because, I chose to. I…

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According to the Needs

A week ago, I found someone shared their budgeting approach which they called “According to the Needs”. So, basically, this…

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The Indifferent Rameau

The first time I discovered Jean-Philippe Rameau was when I piously clicking every single baroque music thumbnails on streaming platforms.…

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